
The Company's Board of Directors resolved to convene the 2024 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting

1.Date of the board of directors' resolution:2024/02/29
2.Shareholders meeting date:2024/05/30
3.Shareholders meeting location:No.398,Taoying Road, Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City,Taiwan(Chuto Plaza Hotel)
4.Shareholders' meeting will be held by means of (physical shareholders' meeting/ hybrid shareholders' meeting /virtual-only shareholders' meeting):Physical shareholders' meeting
5.Cause for convening the meeting (1)Reported matters:
   A. Year 2023 Business Report.
   B. Year 2023 Audit Committee’s Review Report.
   C. Year 2023 Employees’Compensation and Remuneration to Directors Distribution Status.
   D. The status of Year 2023 Earnings Distribution of Cash Dividend
6.Cause for convening the meeting (2)Acknowledged matters:
   A. Year 2023 Business Report and Financial Statement.
   B. Year 2023 Earnings Distribution.
7.Cause for convening the meeting (3)Matters for Discussion:
   A. Amendment to the Company's Articles of Incorporation.
8.Cause for convening the meeting (4)Election matters:None
9.Cause for convening the meeting (5)Other Proposals:None
10.Cause for convening the meeting (6)Extemporary Motions:None
11.Book closure starting date:2024/04/01
12.Book closure ending date:2024/05/30
13.Any other matters that need to be specified:None