
Corporate Social Responsibility
The United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 sustainable development goals and 169 targets to guide global efforts towards sustainability.
The 17 SDGs cover environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainable development, demonstrating the scale and ambition of the SDGs.
We have established the Sustainability Office in August 2022 as a dedicated unit to promote sustainability-related matters.

TONG HSING is committed to being a global citizen as part of a professional global supply chain for the electronics industry. TONG HSING only promotes the SDGs goal of sustainable development, but also commits and strives to comply with the RBA Code of Conduct and extend it to the supplier supply chain system, with the aim of fulfilling Corporate Social Responsibility, taking from society and using it for society.
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of TONG HSING ELECTRONIC IND., LTD.
Comply with laws and regulations and take employee rights seriously. Maintain health and safety and protect the environment.
Operate with integrity and promote ethics. Strengthen social responsibility and drive continuous improvement.
We are committed to meeting the following standards:
- Respect for workers' rights:We guarantee freedom of choice of employment, freedom of association, no child labor, protection of the rights and health of female workers, no discrimination against workers, no inhumane treatment, wages and benefits and working hours in accordance with the law, and require our staffing companies to adhere to all of the above normsWe guarantee freedom of choice of employment, freedom of association, no child labor, protection of the rights and health of female workers, no discrimination against workers, no inhumane treatment, wages and benefits and working hours in accordance with the law, and require our staffing companies to adhere to all of the above norms
- Providing for the health and safety of workers:We ensure occupational safety, provide emergency preparedness plans, manage occupational injuries and illnesses, control hazards, assess and control the impact of special physical requirements, implement machine protection, maintain public hygiene, and provide clean cafeterias and dormitories.
- Protecting the environment:We reduce adverse impacts on society, the environment and natural resources while protecting the health and safety of the public, obtain the necessary environmental permits and reports, prevent pollution and conserve resources, control the proper handling of chemical and hazardous substances, waste water, solid waste and air emissions, and comply with legal requirements for controlling the harmful content of products
- Business ethics:Business ethics:We operate with integrity, do not make improper profits, disclose business and financial information, comply with anti-corruption laws, respect intellectual property rights, enforce fair trade advertising and competition standards, do not use minerals from conflict areas, protect the personal information of our business contacts and comply with privacy and information security laws, provide anonymous complaint procedures to protect the identity of whistleblowers, and establish protection procedures To prevent retaliation against whistleblowers.
- Establishment of relevant management systems: We comply with our commitments to labor, health and safety, environment and ethics, define management responsibilities and review them regularly, monitor and check applicable laws and customer requirements, conduct risk assessment and risk management, set performance targets and conduct regular evaluations, establish training programs and communication procedures for workers.V
Environmental Sustainability
TONG HSING is a leading supplier to the global electronics industry and aspires to be a global citizen.
TONG HSING also sets up relevant policies and performance indexes in addition to promoting the SDGs goal of sustainable development.

Sustainable Environmental Management Indexes
Climate change is one of the key environmental issues currently of concern to the United Nations, governments, society, and the business community.
Tong Hsing, following global principals, has set the following sustainable environmental management indexes for our company.
At the same time, in order to strengthen the connection between the company's sustainable environmental management indexes and managers' performance, we have included external ESG evaluation results and environmental energy conservation results, as part of managers' key performance indexes(KPI), the weighting of ESG related KPI is 10%.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Management
TongHsing complies with the "Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act", and follows the international ISO 14064-1:2018 to review the greenhouse gas emissions caused by operations, also discloses the company's greenhouse gas emissions every year. In 2023, due to the addition of the Bade plant to the organizational boundry, GHG Emissions shows an 8.5% increase from 80,839 tCO2e in 2022. Electricity is our company's main source of greenhouse gas emissions. We will continue to work on reducing electricity use and increasing renewable energy usage, aiming to optimize energy management and achieve our energy-saving and carbon reduction goals.

Water resource management
Water is a crucial resource for sustaining life on Earth and maintaining ecological balance. Tong Hsing is committed to effective water resource management. Since 2021, the company has been progressively investing in the development of a recycling and treatment system for grinding and cutting wastewater. This system employs ultrafiltration membranes and plate-and-frame filter presses for water treatment, achieving the recovery and reuse of process water. In 2023, the total water intake was 1,177,869 tons, with a recycled water volume of 8,280,304 tons. Compared to 2022, the total water intake decreased by 11.3% (from 1,328,138 tons in 2022), and the recycled water volume decreased by 2.3% (from 8,472,972 tons in 2022). Tong Hsing will continue to advance the maximization of water resource efficiency and continuously enhance water resource management.

Waste management
Tong Hsing adheres to environmental policy management principles by rigorously assessing the environmental impact of raw materials, actively promoting waste reduction and recycling, and integrating circular economy concepts. The company focuses on enhancing the reuse of process waste and advancing its development into a second lifecycle. In 2023, the total waste volume was 1,438 tons. Despite maintaining the same waste intensity of 0.12 tons per million TWD, the total amount decreased by 13.1% compared to 2022, indicating significant improvements in Tong Hsing’s management effectiveness. In the future, we will intensify our dedication to environmental protection by improving waste reduction at the source, exploring innovative technologies to enhance recycling efficiency, and continuing to invest in environmental technologies. We will also work on increasing environmental awareness across our workforce to effectively reduce our impact on the environment.
2023 Energy-Saving
Implement 29 energy-saving projects:

- 3 lighting systems
- 9 equipment updates
- 15 equipment parameter adjustments
- 2 other management-related items
- Total environmental expenditure: 34.76 million NTD
- Total electricity saved: 4.74 million kWh

Total electricity saved: 2.126 million kWh